Dune Willow

Salix hookeriana Barratt ex Hook. - Willow family


Mature Height: Up to around 25.0 feet

Plant Type: Tree, Shrub


Flower Color: White, Yellow, Green, Brown

Conspicuous Flowers: Yes

Bloom Time: Mid Spring, Late Spring


Shade Tolerance: Tolerant

Ecosystem Interactions

Pollinators: Native Bees; Bombus; Honey Bees; Larval Host (Butterfly); Larval Host (Moth); Wind

Larval Species depending on Dune Willow: Acleris hastiana, Fishia evelina, Homoglaea dives, Iridopsis emasculata, Litholomia napaea, Lithophane georgii, Lophocampa argentata, Lophocampa maculata, Nycteola revayana, Oligocentria semirufescens, Orgyia antiqua, Orthosia hibisci, Papilio rutulus, Peridroma saucia, Pheosia portlandia, Phyllodesma americana, Pseudorthodes irrorata, Schizura unicornis, Synaxis jubararia, Xanthorhoe defensaria, Xylena cineritia, Xylena nupera

Native Range

  • USA:  Alaska, California, Oregon, Washington
  • CAN:  British Columbia
Regional Native Status: L48 (N), AK (N), CAN (N)

State-level native status is based on data available through Plants of the World Online. Regional Native Status comes from the USDA Plants Database. For more detailed native status information, please refer to BONAP.