Interior Live Oak

Quercus wislizeni A. DC. - Beech family


Mature Height: Up to around 50.0 feet

Plant Type: Tree, Shrub


Flower Color: White, Brown

Bloom Time: Early Spring, Mid Spring


Shade Tolerance: Intolerant

Ecosystem Interactions

Pollinators: Native Bees; Larval Host (Butterfly); Larval Host (Moth); Wind

Larval Species depending on Interior Live Oak: Acrocercops insulariella, Archips argyrospila, Bucculatrix albertiella, Caloptilia agrifoliella, Caloptilia reticulata, Cameraria anomala, Cameraria wislezeniella, Catocala andromache, Chionodes chrysopyla, Chionodes raspyon, Chionodes trichostola, Coleophora serratella, Coptodisca powellella, Decodes fragariana, Dyseriocrania auricyanea, Epinotia emarginana, Eriocraniella aurosparsella, Eriocraniella xanthocara, Malacosoma constricta constricta, Phyllonorycter inusitatella, Phyllonorycter sandraella, Pseudexentera habrosana, Rectiostoma fernaldella, Satyrium auretorum, Satyrium auretorum spadix, Stigmella variella, Stilbosis dulcedo, Telphusa sedulitella, Tischeria discreta, Trachycera caliginella, Vespina quercivora, Xenolechia querciphaga, Xenolechia staspa

Native Range

  • USA:  California
  • MEX:  Mexico Northwest
Regional Native Status: L48 (N)

State-level native status is based on data available through Plants of the World Online. Regional Native Status comes from the USDA Plants Database. For more detailed native status information, please refer to BONAP.