Pale Desert Thorn

Lycium pallidum Miers - Potato family


Mature Height: Up to around 6.0 feet

Planting Distance: 8.5 feet

Plant Type: Shrub

Root Depth: 12 inches

Growth Form: Multiple Stem

Growth Rate: Moderate


Flower Color: Purple

Conspicuous Flowers: Yes

Bloom Time: Early Spring

Seasonal Growth: Summer

Evergreen: No

Fall Colors: Yes


Shade Tolerance: Intolerant

Clay Soil Tolerance: No

Sandy Soil Tolerance: Yes

Drought Tolerance: High

Flood Tolerance: None

Fire Tolerance: Low

Salt Tolerance: Low

Ecosystem Interactions

Pollinators: Native Bees; Butterflies; Hummingbirds

Native Range

  • USA:  Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Utah
  • MEX:  Mexico Northeast, Mexico Northwest
Regional Native Status: L48 (N)

State-level native status is based on data available through Plants of the World Online. Regional Native Status comes from the USDA Plants Database. For more detailed native status information, please refer to BONAP.